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Rolling Stock and Motive Power

The prototype Chili Line usually had four to six car consists predominately pulled by K-28 Mikado locomotives. On my Chile Verde Line motive power includes three K-27s, one K-28, a K-36, a C-19 and other consolidations that I haven’t classified yet. The consists that I run on the railroad usually have more cars that were normally operated on the Chili Line. I justify longer trains because Los Alamos, the lab and the town, were still growing in 1947. I have several Shay and Climax locomotives on the layout. They are on the layout because I do not want to put them under that layout with all of the other locomotives and rolling stock that I don’t use. I justify having logging trains on my layout as the actual Chili Line had a spur that went to Caliente, also known as La Madera (madera meaning timber). The Chile Verde Line also has a logging spur. 



About 90% of my rolling stock that is on the layout is weathered. I still have three or four locomotives to weather. I tend to take a lazy man's approach to weathering. If the airbrush is out I will use it. If, not I will use powdered pigments with a bonding agent and brush it on. When using an airbrush I will use either water based paints, or Floquil paints. I finish the effort with powdered pigments or Pan Pastels. To prevent consistency, I seldom weather more than three cars/locomotives at a time. And, for some unknown reason I tend not to weather passenger cars or brass locomotives. Maybe in time I will.


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Doesn't look right without  weathering.

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This is better.

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