The indoor section of the layout is low by most standards - only 36 inches. This is partly because the indoor and outdoor grades needed to meet, and that was the best solution. I’ve always worked with kids,” and 36 inches is also an ideal operating height for a ten-year-old. The bench work structure was built with 2”x4” fir. I did that for two reasons. I needed to be able to walk on the layout and, as it turns out, 2 by 4s are cheaper than 1” by 2” and 1” by 4” lumber. On top of the frame is 1/2” plywood and ½” sound board. Okay, you noticed that there are no photos of the "original" bench work. I took some early on and must have deleted them. Oh well. In November of 2020 I added a section of bench against the back wall. For the most part, the photos below show how I construct the layout frame. Most of the rest of the layout has legs every four feet. As I said, I have to be able to walk on the layout.
On this extension I didn't use plywood or sound board. On top of the frame I used particle board. As you can see, the CONOCO station is already mounted on a base. I used plywood on top of the particle board to level the rest of the bench with the CONOCO base. Like the rest of the layout I used very fine sand as the ground cover base.
That's it, that's all there is. Nothing more to say. Doesn't hardly warrant its own page.