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Chili Line Features:

As a member of the Chili Line Forum I thought that it might be fun to come up with a list of suggested features for model railroads of the Chili Line, what if chile lines, or any railroad in northern New Mexico. With some help from members of the forum I came up with the following. Note that it does not include RR structures, facilities, motive power or rolling stock. While my layout does not have all the suggested features and it is highly unlikely that it will, I do intend to add some as time goes on. I have noted on my list those that I have and those that I'm working on and those that I have plans for.

  1. Adobe structures - have a few

  2. Dilapidated adobe structures - have one

  3. Dilapidated adobe with tree growing in it - have one

  4. Rutted dirt or gravel roads - yes, also have rutted paved roads (not all that prototypical) 

  5. Ristras (hanging chile peppers) - not yet, have to figure out how

  6. Acequias (community ditches) - not planning on adding

  7. Descansos (death memorials or single grave markers) - have one

  8. Camposanto (cemetery) - Not likely

  9. Horno (an adobe built outdoor oven) - at some point

  10. Cattle and/or sheep pen with or without ramp - have

  11. Trading post or Pueblo Indian sales stand - have trading post

  12. Cantina - have

  13. Community market or general store - have

  14. CONOCO gas station - have two

  15. Capilla (traditional New Mexico Chapel) - not likely

  16.  Indigenous Flora

    • Sage brush - have

    • Junipers - kinda have

    • Pinion Pine - kinda have

    • Ponderosa Pine (infrequent) - have

    • Cottonwood (along the river and in bosques) - kinda have

    • Bebb and sandbar willow – in bosques - not likely

    • Chamisa - kinda have

    • Yucca - have

  17. Jemez or Sangre De Cristo Mountains - have painted backdrop of Jemez mountains

  18. Rio Grande, Rio Chama, Rio Ojo Caliente - don't think so

  19. Arroyo - have a functional one outside

  20. Arroyo with old rusty vehicles - at some point

  21. Arroyo with trash - at some point

  22. Pit for burning trash - have

  23. Rock or stucco shrines housing saints (little ones for homes, larger ones for communities) - not likely

  24. A Hacienda - not likely

  25. A one-room schoolhouse - who knows

  26. Fauna

    • Sheep - not yet

    • Burros - have

    • Horses - have

    • Cattle - have

    • Elk - have

    • Deer - have

  27. Territorial style buildings with corrugated roofs - have, need more

  28. A yard with several old cars embedded in the weeds - not yet, maybe not

  29. A very large pile of firewood  - have

  30. A pickup truck with the bed full of firewood - have

  31. Sacks of Piñon nuts/seed or a wagon full of Piñon nuts - maybe someday

  32. A fence with railroad ties for posts - have

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